how to get rid of opossums didelphimorphia

How to get rid of Opossums

Being a marsupial animal found only in the Americas, the opossum has become a pest in those areas, due to its flexible diet and reproductive habits that make them successful colonisers and survivors in diverse locations and conditions. They are considered a nuisance due to the fact that they feed on plants, carry disease and are prone on destroying property.

information about opossums didelphimorphia

Information about Opossums

The opossums, also known as possums, are marsupial mammals of the order Didelphimorphia. This is the largest order of marsupials in the Western Hemisphere, as it comprises 103 or more species in 19 genera. The opossums have an unspecialised biology, flexible diet, and reproductive habits that make them successful colonisers and survivors in diverse locations and conditions. Despite its appearance,

prevent infestation with opossums didelphimorphia

Prevent infestation with Opossums

Opossums are one of the most unmistakable animals in North America as they are the only marsupial that lives on the North American continent. While opossums were once native only to South America, they are now a common sight all throughout the Eastern and Southern states of the United States.

The opossums are marsupial mammals of the order Didelphimorphia. This is the largest order of marsupials in the Western Hemisphere, as it comprises 103 or more species in 19 genera. The opossums have an unspecialised biology, flexible diet, and reproductive habits that make them successful colonisers and survivors in diverse locations and conditions. They may also be infested with fleas, ticks, mites, and lice, and are hosts for cat and dog fleas, as as they carry diseases such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, trichomoniasis, and Chagas disease.