Though nocturnal, the German cockroach occasionally appears by day, especially if the population is crowded or has been disturbed. However, sightings are most frequent in the evening, when someone suddenly brings a light into a room deserted after dark, such as a kitchen where they have been scavenging.
Information about Cockroaches, German species
From a total of approximately 4500 roach species, the German type is one of the most frequently found, especially in places such as restaurants or other food related locations. However, these roaches are not only found in the food industry, but are also the most common species that roams around houses, apartments and hotels.
Prevent infestation with Cockroaches, German species
The best solution for controlling the German cockroach is to practice good sanitation. To prevent German cockroaches from infesting your space, vacuum often, keep a spotless kitchen, seal all entrances around utility pipes and ventilate crawl spaces to prevent moisture buildup. The measures for preventing these cockroaches from infesting households revolve around the maintenance of proper sanitation.
From a total of approximately 4500 roach species, the German type is one of the most frequently found, especially in places such as restaurants or other food related locations. However, these roaches are not only found in the food industry, but are also the most common species that roams around houses, apartments and hotels. Due to their small size, they can easily fit through cracks and crevices, and because of their fast mating abilities, they can rapidly multiply and reach a high population, leading thus to the infestation of the location. A pair of German cockroaches can produce up to 10.000 descendants in a year’s time.
The German cockroach (Blattella germanica) is a small species of cockroach, typically about 1.1 to 1.6 cm (0.43 to 0.63 in) long. In colour it varies from tan to almost black, and it has two dark, roughly parallel, streaks running from behind the head to the base of the wings. Although Blattella germanica has wings, it can barely fly, although it may glide when disturbed. Of the few species of cockroach that are domestic pests, it probably is the most widely troublesome example.